blue sunrise (condensation)
6/28/2005 6:38:39 AM
blue sunrise
orange sunset
trees sway
to windy music
hollow doves
call above the city
their beaks bloat
with river refuse
choking out
their tortured cries
echo back
from suspension bridges
cables taut
downward pressure
crawling beings
insect shrieks
cut the air
the air
cling to earth
swaying creak
able to ear
buildings act
spinning earth
tidal hours
so much harder
the hundred feet
where they hover
the atmosphere
solid mass
tiny humans
crushed there
to the ground
by a sound
a sound
sun warmed
buildings here
tall bodies
radiator coils
bathtub of water
plugged-in shaver
shimmering shock
translucent heat
sidewalk coals
burning feet
structures heat
roasting oven
earth on a spit
somewhere city
july present