devaunt leclaire, 26th marine expeditionary unit

posted 1/15/2007 12:57:16 AM by: timothy

a message from my sister, deborah.

Devaunt is getting ready to sail tomorrow for 6/7 months in the Mediterranean sea. Below i have sent you all Devaunt's physical address on the boat. This is a great way to keep in touch with him and send him small packages. This is great for the morale - do keep in mind that he has roommates and some are single so sometimes something for all four of them is nice as well. Please make sure the letters are informational and encouraging. keep them light hearted and full of small details that come with life back home in the states. Send non-perishable items, and small boxes are always better cause they get there much quicker...(couple of days).

Devaunts Address:

1st Lt. Devaunt Z. LeClaire, USMC
HMM 264 Det A
Unit 77072 (S-3)
FPO AE 09509-7072

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