a message from recallseven

posted 9/7/2006 5:35:34 PM by: timothy

Dear friends,

We're writing with a gentle reminder of our next show, this Saturday night (Sept. 9) at the Doug Fir as part of MusicFestNW. (For schedules, info on wristbands and all other things Musicfest go to www.musicfestnw.com/2006.) The show starts at 9 pm sharp and we're on second. We're proud to be sharing the evening with four fantastic bands: The Boats, Binary Dolls, the Joggers and the Swords.

We'd really appreciate it if you could help us overcome our nervousness at performing alongside such great artists by coming out and shouting some encouragement at us while we play. Something like "whooo!" or "yeah!" or "huzzah!" or "you guys are the greatest band I've seen since Cheap Trick at the Budokan" (or maybe just sing out some of the lyrics to "Surrender.") For those of you shy or non-shouting types, we also appreciate a quiet nod of encouragement. If you go this route we will return the nod gratefully and wholeheartedly--but subtly enough that we don't call undue attention to you.

Finally friends, many of you have written us asking: "What's the secret to your musical success?" You might be surprised by the answer because, well, it's quite simple really. Well-folded shirts. That's right, the songs, the spirit and the pageantry that is Recall Seven all stems from keeping our closets organized and our shirts neat and wrinkle free.

We want all of you to experience all the happiness we've enjoyed since discovering this secret. You can learn all about it at www.howtofoldashirt.net.

Yours without wrinkles, Fasil, Kurt, Jeremy and Jeremy

© 1999—2025 Timothy Lee Russell


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