technology drives normally sane man nearly crazy

posted 7/28/2005 2:16:39 AM by: timothy

well, is back up and i have completed the switch from wireless microwave to dsl. it has been painful.

if you can find adequate service with a local provider, i would suggest it. trying to make one's way through the corporate behemoth is really no fun.

although, possibly more fun than making one's way through this.

and, this entry would not be complete without a picture of one of the cutest kittens ever.

and, after fourteen hours on the phone with tech support, an ode, written some time ago -- but still relevant:

Hello, you have reached customer service department 609
We're either gone to lunch or otherwise occupied on the other line
We can sense your angst, we'd love to solve all your problems
but we're sorry to say that the wait time is thirteen days
So hanging up would be fine or press seven to hold for an indefinite time

Sit back and relax as our automated system plays a little muzak
The Boston Pops covering Michael Jackson's Thriller, It really takes you back
Again let us say we're sorry, for making you wait
But if there's just one rule, lunch runs a little late
So hanging up would be fine or press seven to hold for an indefinite time

We sincerely hope that our staff can solve your problems and get you up to speed
but sadly a great deal of them are illiterate and won't understand your needs
So would you be so kind, as to talk to our machines
It would sure make things, a lot easier around here
but hanging up would be find or press seven to hold for an indefinite time

We're so glad you called us today, Thursday the 14th at 3:30 P.M.
But it's now after five and our staff has gone home so you can't talk to them
but if you call us tomorrow, we'd love to help you then
So would you please press nine and the star to end this call
Just hanging up would be fine or press seven to hold for an indefinite time

To reach a member of our sales team, press four to continue
To reach a member of our sales team, press five to continue
To reach a member of our sales team, press six to continue
But if it's tech support you need, we're sorry there's a line
so hanging up would be fine or press seven to hold for an indefinite time

© 1999—2025 Timothy Lee Russell


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