
posted 2/25/2010 3:10:30 AM by: timothy

Tetris theme song from 1992 – “Dr. Spin” is actually Andrew Lloyd Webber weirdly enough…

His version of the song was #6 on UK charts for weeks…

These are the lyrics to the Russian folk song the theme is based off of…

Oy, my crate is so full,
I've got chintz and brocade.
Take pity, oh sweety,
Of this lad's shoulder

I will, I will go out into the tall rye,
I will wait there till the night comes,
Once I see the dark-eyed lass,
I will showcase all my goods.

I paid no small price myself,
So don't bargain or be stingy,
Bring your scarlet lips to me,
Sit closer to this fine lad.

The foggy night has already come,
The daring lad is awaiting,
Hark, it's her! The desired one has come,
The merchant is selling his goods.

Katya is haggling with care,
She is afraid to pay too much,
A lad is kissing his lass,
Asking her to raise the price.

Only the deep night knows,
What they agreed upon.
Straighten up now, oh tall rye,
And keep their secret scrupulously!

Oy, my crate is so light,
The strap is no longer cutting into my shoulders!
And all my lass took
Was one turquoise ring.

Plus a 25th anniversary look back link.

© 1999—2025 Timothy Lee Russell


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