peanut butter cookies

posted 4/5/2005 6:08:13 PM by: timothy

Feb 11, 1992 17:32 from Firedrake
   Here's the peanut butter cookie recipe
that even my friends who don't like peanut
butter cookies like.

1/2 cup soft shortening
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 egg
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt

Mix shortening, peanut butter, sugars,
and egg thoroughly.  Measure flour by
dip-level-pour method.  Mix rest of
ingredients and stir in.  Chill dough.
Heat oven to 375 F.  Roll dough into
balls the size of large walnuts.  Place
3" apart on lightly greased cookie sheet.
Flatten, crisscross fashion, with a
fork dipped in flour.

Bake 10-12 min. or until set but not hard.
Makes about 3 dozen 2 1/2" cookies.

   I usually don't chill the dough, but
it does make it easier to flatten.  Also,
there is enough grease in the dough that
it's not really necessary to grease the
cookie sheet.

© 1999—2025 Timothy Lee Russell


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