list of post-apocalypse movies

posted 7/26/2013 5:39:33 PM by: timothy

a list of post-apocalypse movies mentioned in tank riot episode #82.

on the beach
the time machine
la jetee
the last man on earth
planet of the apes
soylent green
a boy and his dog
logan’s run
mad max (fury road, mad max 4)
escape from new york
thundar the barbarian
nasaka in the valley of the wind
night of the comet
the quiet earth
twilight zone remake
running man
they live
tank girl
the postman
water world
six string samurai
reign of fire
28 days later
children of men
eden log
babylon a.d.
the mutant chronicles
the day after
when the wind blows
the last woman on earth
i was a teenage caveman
the day of the triffids
the night of the triffids

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