walla walla daily market coop box #12

posted 4/7/2011 3:34:36 AM by: timothy

the twelfth box from the walla walla daily market coop box set.

today, chocolate cherry bread, spinach, radii and rolled emmer flakes.

united league of vegetation is a small farm business operated at west end farm in walla walla, washington. united league has provided salad greens for the made in walla walla box since january. united league practices sustainable farming methods including composting, drip irrigation, natural pest control, and organic soil. united league produces a variety of vegetables and cut flowers for local farmers markets. the salad greens are produced in a high tunnel hoop house, a greenhouse that provides passive solar energy to expand the growing season.

the salad green mix included in this made in walla walla box session has been a mix of lettuce, spinach, pea shoots, and greens from a mustard mix. the mustard mix includes mizuna, chervil, endives, sorrel, red giant mustard, beet greens, arugula, and tatsoi. mizuna has a light pepper taste, similar to mild arugula and has long, deeply lobed leaves with pointy tips. chervil has a mild taste and looks like parsley. the endive should have a fairly milky taste. the red giant has a substantial bite to it and is the main source of red in the mix. the beet greens come in a couple colors. they are rounded and taste sort of like beets or a little like spinach. the arugula is peppery and has long deeply lobed leaves with round tips. tatsoi is a mild asian green with spoon shaped leaves.

check out the west end farm website for more information: westendfarm.ipower.com.

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